Data breach stories are everywhere these days, so much so that reading about the latest “big breach” feels almost routine. Today we’re kicking off a new weekly blog feature dedicated to the biggest data breach stories of the week.
Dairy Queen Breach? HQ Says No, But Would it Know?
Krebs on Security reports that retail chain Dairy Queen has received a cold serving of hacking, courtesy of cyber criminals. This goes one step beyond your average data breach story, though: because Dairy Queen stores are almost always owned by franchisees, the head honchos at the Dairy Queen HQ have no way of knowing if their franchisees have been hit or not.
Why You Should Worry About The Cyber Attack On JPMorgan Chase
Which company is the latest to have suffered a data breach? Oh, only the biggest American Bank, JPMorgan Chase. So far they have warned 465,000 holders of prepaid cash cards that their personal information may have been accessed by hackers.
Ironic as it may seem, the very department which issues advisories for data breaches across America was hit by the same thing they warn people about.
The biggest breaches of the week all took place in America- is the Land of the Free-living up to its unintended name by freely making available the personal records of its people? Let’s hope that more is done to help prevent data breaches not only in America but the rest of the world as well.