

Austin, Texas


12 August 2024 - 14 August 2024

For the 11th year, ISACA and The IIA are gathering the leading minds in governance, risk management and control to provide dedicated GRC professionals with world-class content, innovative ideas and practical guidance. Governance, risk and control experts will provide cutting-edge insights into current trends and real-world experiences.


Boston, MA

2024 North America PCI SSC Community Meeting

10 September 2024 - 12 September 2024

PCI SSC Community Meetings bring together the brightest minds in payment security. Don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate and learn about the latest developments in global payment security and in the PCI Security Standards.


Barcelona, Spain

2024 Europe PCI SSC Community Meeting

8 October 2024 - 10 October 2024

Join your global payment security peers at the 2024 Europe PCI SSC Community Meeting and shape the future of payments security.


Hanoi, Vietnam

2024 Asia-Pacific PCI SSC Community Meeting

20 November 2024 - 21 November 2024

Join your global payment security peers at the 2024 PCI SSC Community Meetings. Sessions will be in English and simultaneously translated in Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese.


Our 2024 Webinar series is coming soon, register to be kept up to date!

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