PIPEDA holds businesses responsible for not only obtaining express consent prior to collecting consumer information but also for the ongoing protection of that information. Companies that fail to meet those obligations may be fined up to $100,000 CAD. Furthermore, as of 2018, organizations must notify the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, as well as any individuals who were potentially impacted, in the event of a data breach.

Get to know the PIPEDA Fair Information Principles

PIPEDA’s Fair Information Principles designate exactly how companies are to regard consumer data and information. Several of these principles relate to the notion of disclosure: openness, accountability, and accuracy of data are mandates that companies must concede to in order to maintain compliance.

Is your business PIPEDA compliant? Conduct a complimentary sample data analysis with Ground Labs to find out.

How Ground Labs Can Help Ensure PIPEDA Compliance

A magnifying glass on a folder icon.

Search for and identify 300+ types of data and file formats, including data stored in servers, on desktops, email, and databases, on prem and
the cloud.

Encryption is considered by PIPEDA to be an appropriate safeguard to protect against the unauthorized access of personal data: Quickly encrypt data in batches with
Enterprise Recon.

Leverage Forensic Discovery features to investigate, localize, and promptly report potential data breaches to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and to impacted individuals.

Remediate, delete or mask PII data that is no longer necessary in fulfilling the purpose for which it was collected, thereby upholding the fifth PIPEDA Fair Information Principle.

Fulfill the PIPEDA Fair Information Principle for accountability by monitoring the protection of all personal data stored internally or shared with a third party using Ground Labs technology.

Automate PIPEDA compliance scans with weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual scheduling for custom locations and
data types.

Align with CISO and Executive Board scorecards through integration with reporting interfaces such as Excel, Power Bi, Crystal Reports, Tableau and anything that connects to an ODBC-compliant business intelligence tool.

Prepare for personal information management audits by storing and organizing compliance reports by date or other criteria in our
user-friendly interface.


Organizations Achieve PIPEDA Compliance
with Ground Labs


What You Need to Know About Canada Bill C-27

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Canadian Privacy Laws & Quebec’s Bill 64

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