Similar to the data protection acts of other nations, the LGPD applies to any business or organization that processes personal data belonging to Brazilian citizens — regardless of where that business or organization itself is located. This means that any organization, including those outside of Brazil, with customers located in Brazil must ensure that their data infrastructure maintains LGPD compliance. Therefore, we see the Brazilian data protection law as a benchmark framework for data privacy compliance across the South America continent.

A map of Brazil represents the scope of the LGPD law.

The LGPD requires that data breaches are reported to national authorities

If an organization is found to be non-compliant with the LGPD legislation, it will receive penalties of up to 2 percent of Brazil-sourced revenue for the prior fiscal year. Fines are limited to a maximum of 50 million reals (approximately $9 million USD). Additionally, organizations are obligated to report any data security incidents or breaches to Brazilian national authorities. Watch the video to see how Ground Labs can help you comply with LGPD.

Is your business LGPD Brazil compliant? Conduct a complimentary sample data analysis with Ground Labs to find out.

How Ground Labs Can Help Ensure Compliance With the Brazilian Data Protection Law

An eye scanning a piece of paper.

Identify over 300 different types of data and file formats, including data stored in servers, on desktops, email, and databases, on prem and in
the cloud.

A magnifying glass over paper on a clipboard.

Demonstrate LGPD compliance with custom reporting and analytics available in the Enterprise Recon dashboard.

A cloud with an icon for an image, as well as a lock.

Search within both structured and unstructured data sources including servers, on desktops, email, and databases, on prem and in the cloud.

A magnifying glass on a folder icon.

Search for PII across your entire digital infrastructure, with data discovery support for a wide array of platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux and Unix, with a full list found here.

A gear on a long blueprint-like piece of paper.

Create LGPD specific reports with an API that allows you to download match results and use them for bespoke reporting, remediation, risk scoring/mapping and custom integration requirements.

A stopwatch with a gear inside.

Reduce the overall investment required to reach and uphold LGPD compliance, even as regulations change over time.

A key with a number of nodes emerging from the sides.

Execute a proactive approach to data security to build a stronger foundation of trust within your organization.

A computer with a lock on the monitor.

Easily build custom data types and search platforms to locate and remediate unique data types to address your organization’s unique
LGPD needs.


Organizations Achieve LGPD Brazil Compliance with Ground Labs

Corporations have data stored in so many locations that it is impossible to manually look for information. With the data security tool from Ground Labs, it makes the process easy and simple for organizations to search for data that is stored in a non-secure manner and take corrective actions to remediate it and secure the data."

Stickman Consulting
Ajay Unni - CEO

The Six Foundations of Data Privacy Regulation