GDPR protects all forms of personal data, which is defined as any information relating a person to an identifier. These include names, identification numbers and location data, as well as cultural and physical or medical information, across instances of structured and unstructured data. Ground Labs provides a complete solution to GDPR compliance, as its tools offer sensitive data discovery and remediation across a wide range of networks and platforms.

Don’t leave GDPR compliance to chance

Without the right technology partner, organizations have little control or visibility into the data regulated by GDPR, making them vulnerable to significant penalties — with fines of up to 20 million euros, or up to 4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is greater. Ground Labs helps you mitigate the impact of data breaches by identifying where your data resides enabling you to take the appropriate action to remediate, delete, quarantine or encrypt that data

Is your business GDPR compliant? Conduct a complimentary sample data analysis with Ground Labs to find out.

How Ground Labs can help ensure GDPR compliance

An eye scanning a piece of paper.

Identify over 300 different types of data and file formats, including data stored in servers, on desktops, email and databases, on-prem and in the cloud.

Uphold the GDPR requirement for ongoing data surveillance. Monitor for sensitive data on targets round-the-clock via the Enterprise Recon dashboard.

Create an inventory of sensitive data to help identify the impact of a breach to prepare notification submission within the GDPR mandatory 72-hour timeframe.

Search and remediate National ID data, including SSNs, addresses, phone numbers, tax file numbers and national identification numbers, with fully-customizable fields.

Create GDPR-specific reports with APIs that allow you to download match results and use them for bespoke reporting, remediation, risk scoring/mapping and custom integration requirements.

Automate GDPR compliance scans with weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual scheduling for custom locations and data types.

Align with CISO and Executive Board scorecards through integration with reporting interfaces such as Excel, Power Bi, Crystal Reports, Tableau and anything that connects to an ODBC-compliant business intelligence tool.

Support teams that prepare and submit mandatory Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) for review by providing integration with MIP data mapping, scoring and classification.

Organizations achieve GDPR compliance
with Ground Labs


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