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The latest from Ground Labs

Writing an RFP for data discovery
Choosing a new product or service for your business can be an overwhelming process. In the technology marketplace, there are so many solutions available to address almost any kind of problem. Finding the ones that are most appropriate for your business and your unique needs can be a challenge.

Writing an RFP for data discovery
Choosing a new product or service for your business can be an overwhelming process. In the technology marketplace, there are so many solutions available to address almost any kind of problem. Finding the ones that are most appropriate for your business and your unique needs can be a challenge.

Building the business case for data discovery
Few companies can confidently state that they know what data they possess. It is rarer still to be able to state what data is sensitive, the systems that store the data), whether it is structured or unstructured, and who can access it. A well-constructed business case for discovery and data awareness is the first step in developing a comprehensive data…

The GLASS difference
Ground Labs offers fast and accurate data discovery, management and remediation solutions powered by GLASS Technology™. GLASS enables you to perform fully customizable data discovery, risk scoring, data classification and remediation across the broadest set of platforms available. This ebook explains what makes GLASS unique and how it supports your discovery and data management needs.

How to choose a data discovery solution
An effective data discovery solution provides organizations with insights into their current and evolvingdata management needs, giving security teams control over the organization’s data. When choosing a data discovery solution, you want to select a solution that addresses the specific needs of your organization that is also capable of supporting your business as your needs change.

Are you at risk? A compliance checklist
Privacy is a hot topic around the business world. Data privacy, governance, legislation and data protection expectations are evolving rapidly, and it can be difficult to keep up with the constant changes in this increasingly regulated landscape.

A tech guide to data discovery
Organizations depend on the information they gather for market intelligence and as a profit-generating commodity. Across the world, the information economy is booming. The IDC predicts that stored data worldwide will reach 175 zettabytes — 175 trillion gigabytes — by 2025. If stored on Blu-ray, that’s enough data to reach the moon 23 times over.